Take care along our roads!
Spray contractors are out again, spraying roadsides in West Arthur, Wagin, Woodanilling, Katanning and Dumbleyung for Bridal Creeper infestations.
Bridal Creeper is a resilient weed that takes a minimum of 7 years of continuous control to kill a single plant, thanks to its amazing ability to regenerate and spread. It forms a mat of choking vines that can wipe out native understorey and seriously damage even mature stands of trees.
Now in its sixth year of funding through the State NRM Office, these five shires will get specialist spray contractors to manage the roadside infestations. Main Roads and the participating local shires are also making contributions to Bridal Creeper control.
Take a look for these signs in areas where we have been working hard at managing and monitoring Bridal Creeper infestations.
Congratulations, also, to Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone, for their successful application to have Bridal Creeper sprayed in two major reserves that are heavily infested.
If you have Bridal Creeper on your property, please contact the Katanning Landcare office to get information on managing this weed, or download our “How to Spread Rust” brochure from HERE (pdf file) for a non-chemical method of controlling the weed.
If your infestation is small, cut and crown for best long-term control.
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