Katanning EcoWeek grew from the brainchild of a few like-minded individuals who wanted to share their passion for the environment, sustainable living and all things green, back in 2014. It has grown in popularity and recognition since then, but has always run on a shoe-string budget.
This Friday, Minister Terry Redman announced the results of the Great Southern Development Commission Community Chest Fund through Royalties for Regions, which awarded $45,700 to assure Katanning EcoWeek another two amazing years of brilliant programming. See his official media release here, and the Great Southern Herald article below to find out all of the other successful projects.
This funding will afford us the opportunity for us to do all the things we had on our wish list, but never had the resources to launch.
Perhaps most importantly, it will allow us to assign a dedicated EcoWeek Event Coordinator, who will be the go-to person and driving force behind the Katanning EcoWeek events for the next two years.
We will be sure to keep you up to date with all that happens with Katanning EcoWeek. And if you have any feedback, ideas, or would like to help out, please give us a call or drop us a line!
Thanks again to the GSDC for the funding for this project.
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