On Friday 10th October we ran the last of our EcoWeek workshops – Keeping Chickens.
This workshop was sponsored by the FRRR, and EcoWeek sponsored by SGIO Insurance.
Yann and Sol Toussaint from the Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre Community Garden in Albany, and Kate Mason of Katie Joy’s Free Range Eggs from Kojonup presented some of the basics of keeping chickens in your backyard, how to keep them clean and healthy, and what problems to expect and how to manage them.
The crowd of over 15 people with a huge range of experience with poultry – from those who have been keeping them all their lives, to those who had never had one and wanted to get started – all came away with new information and a bit more insight into the in’s-and-out’s of keeping chickens.
Clucky love?
This workshop also had a hands-on component, where participants got to build a chook tractor out of reclaimed materials. Two very different styles emerged: a low metal ‘tube’ and a larger pallet triangle.
What great work and creativity!
Everyone went away with a little something, thanks to Kate Mason, who provided two chickens to a lucky participant, and Katanning H Hardware who donated 1 kg bags of feed for each participant.
We are so delighted to have had such a positive response to our sustainability and eco friendly workshops through EcoWeek, and look forward to bringing more of these great events in the future! 🙂
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