Did you know that since 2010, the coordinated Red Card for Rabbits and Foxes has eliminated more than 27,000 foxes!? That’s remarkable!! Check out these stats:



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

People involved

765 729 772 1250 1069 1021 435 814



2992 2359 4031 4949 4538 4196 1557 2428



163 149 234 418 394 219 61 150 1,788
Rabbits 3207 2319 3373 4179 4842 2687 760 589


Maximum Impact – Coordinated Fox Shoots For more information about the Red Card program, check out their website at redcard.org.au And you can register for the local Katanning shoot online HERE. Registration is free, and teams are reminded that:
  • All shooting will take place on private property with the consent of the owner.
  • All participants in  the shoot will understand and accept that full responsibility for safe and humane shooting practices lies with themselves, and
  • “Red Card for Rabbits and Foxes” and local coordinators are not liable for any damage/injury caused as a result of this event.