National Tree Day 2014 was once again a huge success for Katanning. Over two days 38 volunteers were able to plant 3100 native seedlings in the Katanning region, which will lead to a number of environmental benefits, including improved habitat for native animal species.
We can see that National Tree Day, and other events, like the Shire organised wildflower planting at Piesse Lake, are attracting a lot of interest from the community who are more aware than ever about the importance of creating healthy landscapes.
Contributions to an improved environment happen all year round, and often without the wider community being aware of the work of private landholders, who undertake revegetation and Landcare works on their own land.
Working away without fan-fare, local farmers and small landholders have planted thousands of trees – 92,000 in 2014 through various funding sources – and have fenced off sensitive areas of bush and water ways. And there is plenty of work going on with use of private funds. These efforts are often unrecorded, but certainly appreciated.
One such Landcare project, called ‘Attacking Native Habitat’, funded by the State NRM Office, aims to tackle two major problems in the region: salinity and native habitat for our endangered or threatened species. Over the next few years, we can hope to see the trees growing up, and watch as the native animals, especially the Carnaby’s Cockatoos, the Red-Tailed Phascogales, and the Chuditch, come back into these newly revegetated and protected areas.
By slowly attacking what areas we can each year, by fencing, protecting, and revegetating degraded land, we are slowly linking sections of creek lines with native bush land, giving these animals room to move, breed, and populate new areas, while also having the added benefits of improving soil and water quality, and creating a more attractive landscape.
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