Katanning Landcare, and its sister-organisation, Katanning Environmental, will be holding AGMs in September and October, and both boards are seeking new committee members.
Katanning Landcare has been around since 1990, and is a Land Conservation District Committee, which is an organisation empowered by legislation, and not a ‘standard incorporated not-for-profit’ body. Katanning Landcare primarily functions as a conduit between government funding bodies and landholders who want to do environmental projects on their land. So, typically, farmers come to us and say they want to plant trees, we apply for funding, and then manage the project, and handle all the finances and project reporting. The farmer then just has to get on with getting the work done, and doesn’t have to manage all the application and reporting paperwork as well.
When Katanning Landcare had the opportunity to lease / purchase the old Blyth Tree Farm in late 2017, and started the Katanning Environmental Nursery, it was clear that a separate organisational structure was needed to manage the for-purpose business arm being developed, using a standard not-for-profit incorporated body. Katanning Environmental Inc was created in 2018. This sister-organisation manages the Nursery and the Containers for Change refund site, and is exploring other environmentally based social enterprises. While technically separate, the two organisations continue to work closely together, supporting one another, and many of our members stand on both boards.
Katanning Landcare (Katanning Land Conservation District Committee) will be holding their AGM on Tuesday September 6th from 7:00pm (see event details posted here) and will be seeking four new committee members to fill the positions of retiring members.
The Katanning Land Conservation District Committee (LCDC) consists of 17 members, as gazetted by the Soil and Land Conservation Act (1945). We are looking for four community members to register under the ‘Land User’ category, who can attend meetings and help make decisions around governance of our environmental non-profit.
We encourage new members to register their interest in joining in advance of the AGM by completing a member application form (DOWNLOAD HERE) and emailing the completed form to hello@katanninglandcare.org.au.
Katanning LCDC meetings are held every second month (Feb, April, June, Aug, Sept (AGM), Nov) on the 1st Tuesday of the month, from 7:00pm. We review financials and receive operational updates from staff regarding our projects and community initiatives. If you have are interested in our environmental initiatives and projects and can attend meetings regularly, please consider joining our small team.
KEInc (Katanning Environmental Inc.) will be holding their AGM on Tuesday October 11th from 7:00pm (see event details posted here) and will be seeking two new committee members to fill the positions of retiring members.
The KEInc committee consists of a six members, a Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, and two other community voting members. Once again, we encourage new members to register their interest in joining in advance of the day by completing a member application form (DOWNLOAD HERE) and emailing it to hello@katanninglandcare.org.au.
KEInc Committee meetings are held every second month (March, May, July, Sept, Oct (AGM), Dec) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 7:00pm. We review financials and receive operational updates from staff regarding our Katanning Environmental Nursery and Containers for Change Refund Site businesses. If you have a good business head, and are interested in our environmental initiatives and can attend meetings regularly to help make decisions around governance of our non-profit social enterprises, please consider joining our small team.
Each committee does consist of similar members, but you can join just one or both, if you have time and interest. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in joining either or both of our teams.
We strongly urge you to send in a nomination form early, as advanced membership is preferred to floor nominations. You can learn more about our organisations and what to expect and what we do by emailing hello@katanninglandcare.org.au and asking any questions you may have.
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