It’s time for us to prepare our new Lancare Strategy….
Our new Strategy will be our leadership tool for your local Landcare group and we need your help to ensure that it truly reflects what our community and catchment need.
It will set our direction for the long term, it will inspire and motivate us, and it will help us deal with future change. It will also become the higher order document we use to determine the key objectives for our individualised Catchment Management Plans in each zone.
Soon you, our Committees, Landcare Officers and invested stakeholders will be invited to a series of workshops for stimulating and intensive strategising. Before we do this, we need your help to collect some vital information.
We’d love your input, experience and on-ground knowledge of your local area to help us get the Strategy right. Please complete the attached strategy and return via email to our key Facilitator.
Download survey Landcare Discovery Questionnaire (611 KB, .doc file)
Complete and return this short survey by Wednesday 23rd March to go into the draw for a great prize pack including the Southern Weed ID book, a BBG travel mug and more.
If you would like a copy emailed to you directly, please contact Andrea on 9821 4327 or via email.
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